Sunday, October 23, 2011

There are 7 Deadly Sins of Spinning in classes.

1.  Thou Shalt Not Hover-it doth not work thy glutes, it doth not mimic mountain biking but you shall be cursed with an aching back!

2.  Thou Shalt Not Performeth Isolations!-this move offends thy knees and helps not in strengthening. The burn you feeleth is from the Devil himself and makes you no faster, no stronger, no cooler and no wiser!

3.  Thou Shalt Not Spin Like a Hamster who Smoketh Crack!-super high cadence with little or no resistance will surely causeth thy Lady Parts (or thy Boy Bits) to feel as if they are being scourged by demons! Lo, though some sinners think they lookth cool with feet that fly, they surely will burn from the fires below (if thou knowest what I mean).

4.  Thou Shalt Not Overload thy Resistance and Grind Slowly!-do not burden my peoples with an overload of Resistance that would surely cause them to have to strain and clutcheth the handlebars. They will surely suffer from multitudes of joint problems.

5.  Thou Shalt Not Performeth Push Ups on thy Handle Bars!-this doth not work thy Pects and doth surely decrease the number of teeth in thy head if thou slippest.

6.  Thou Shalt Not Dip Thy Shoulders Down- cornering or contrived upper body movement doth nothing to improveth thy upper body and doth taketh away from the true aerobic training of Spinning.

7.  Thou Shalt Not Sucketh in Thy Core-thy core shall remain supple and thy people shall be commanded to do deep diaphramatic breathing. Thou shalt work thy core in Pilates Classes.

There are more sins that are Venal in nature like aero position, stomping on the pedals, bouncing, and chatting in class but the big sins will send you straight to hell. The very best resource is Jennifer Sage's Ebook "Keeping It Real" It has the very best specific information on the whats and whys of all the contraindicated moves you come across. The best rule of thumb that I still carry with me is "if you wouldn't do it on the road, don't do it in class"

- Eric

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