Monday, January 23, 2012

GymPact! Doh!

There are a plethora of fitness apps and gadgets out there to help you track distance, heartbeat or total time. Now, there's an app that makes you pay cash every time you miss a visit to the gym. Ouch!

Developed by two 2010 Harvard graduates, GymPact is an iPhone app that offers cash incentives. You lose $5 (you can choose to pay more) if you miss a scheduled gym visit and make money if you stick to the pact you set at the beginning of each week.

If you're the competitive type, feel better knowing that the money you make is an equal portion of a pool collected from your lazier peers who sat on the couch.

Why cash incentives?

Users have to commit to at least one 30-minute workout per week and the app knows if you're really at the gym because it will confirm your location whenever you check in for a workout. And yes, you really do have to pay $5 because it deducts the fine from your credit card on file.

Do you think this app would help you stick to your weekly gym schedule, too? Is cash really a strong motivator?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Your go to workout

15 squats, 10 push-ups and :30 of planks. Do as many rounds in a circuit as you can. Cool down with a quick walk around the block. 

You can do this anywhere and instead of making excuses why you don't have time to get to the gym, you can be done with a full body workout, fully anaerobic and stimulate muscle growth in 10-20 minutes!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Do Less Cardio...Get Better Results

Don't waste time doing the same old thing that's not getting you results. Ask yourself these 3 questions:

        1. Are you happy with what you see in the mirror?
        2. Do you have too much free time on a daily basis?
        3. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Now, if you answered "yes" to any of these questions then this post is not for you. However, if you answered "no" to these questions, then please stop doing the same old routine and getting less than exciting results. You can get the body you want in less time than you can possibly imagine.

Let me be plain and clear --

I am asking you to stop doing steady state cardio since you already know it will not give you the results you want. I read on people's Facebook all the time, bragging about how they do SPINNING six times a week if not more. SERIOUSLY?!?! That's what you call an obsessive spinner.
Try spending less time doing cardio and put more effort in getting your nutrition in order. Be willing to challenge yourself to do something different or go out on a limb and try another instructor. Remember you can always go back to your favorite one. Impress yourself.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year. New Start. New You.

You've got a clean slate to start from.  Pretty much no matter how the year before turned out, you have a fresh new year to start off right and achieve the things that you didn't have a chance to get to last year. 

It's a prime opportunity to get clear on what it is you want out of this year and create a plan to achieve it.  A chance to review the things that are adding to the quality of your life (friends, positive habits, personal and professional groups that keep you on track, etc) and those that are distracting (the judgmental friends, associates that when in their presence always seem to drag you down, and bad habits that sabotage your progress).  It truly is an excellent time to really get dialed in on how to make this year better than the last.  As well as an opportunity to clear out that which is distracting or not serving you.

Yet even with all of the opportunity provided by a new year and a fresh clean slate, there are still those that complain about how they can't accomplish their goals because of such and such: they're too busy, don't have time, work long hours, have to take the kids to their events, they don't like the gym, etc.  And for every excuse I can, in most cases, show you a person that has as much or more on their plate and still is able to get it all done.  

Sure this week I could have blogged about things that you and I both know you need to be doing. Now you have something you can read, print out, and re-read when you find yourself getting off track.

You see it's not a matter of your circumstances.  It's a matter of your commitment to success.  You achieving your best is going to take time.  That's not the issue. Question is, are you committed to getting it done?